Children's Health Hub
The Children’s Health Hub is co-located with Rotorua Library in Te Aka Mauri, providing a range of Lakes DHB child health and maternal services.
Te Aka’ means ‘the vine or interconnection’ and ‘mauri’ means the life force or essence, so Te Aka Mauri refers the shared vision to create a facility of excellence to advance community wellbeing and understanding.

With a fun mural lining the hallways, the Children's Health Hub doesn't feel like a hospital.
Services at the Children's Health Hub
- Bicillin Clinic
- B4 School Checks
- Child Development Team
- Vision & Hearing screening
- Breastfeeding Service (Kia Wana)
- Infant, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (iCAMHS)
- Newborn Hearing screening
- Outreach Immunisation
- Paediatric Outpatient clinics
- Rotorua Children’s Team
Wheelchair accessible bathroom
We now have a wheelchair accessible bathroom available for the community to use when they are in town.
It has an adult size change table and hoist to assist with personal cares.
Our community advisory group was fundamental in ensuring this resource was available for all the families and visitors of Rotorua.