Te Tiriti o Waitangi

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Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ Treaty of Waitangi

He kōrero tautoko – Some ways we support tangata whenua world views.

Rotorua Library, Te Aka Mauri is committed to the Treaty of Waitangi to ensure library services meet the needs of the community and are adaptable as those needs change. The library:

  • acknowledges Treaty of Waitangi obligations flowing from Central Government

Mātauranga Māori is traditional and contemporary Māori knowledge and knowledge systems. This includes the body of knowledge originating from Māori ancestors, including the Māori world view and perspectives, Māori creativity and cultural practices. As an organic and living knowledge base, mātauranga Māori is ever growing and expanding.

  • applies Treaty of Waitangi principles in their work policies & protocols
  • recognises Te Reo Māori as an Official language of New Zealand
  • ensures that Mātauranga Māori is embedded throughout all functions of the library and;
  • recognises and seeks to uphold and strengthen mana-enhancing relationships with Te Arawa
  • organises events to elevate and celebrate manawhenua and tangata whenua worldviews
  • provides Māori specific learning opportunities to engage, enthuse and build reciprocal relationships with our community and in particular our tangata whenua

Historical Background: Te Arawa’s involvement regarding the Treaty of Waitangi.

It is well known now that the Treaty of Waitangi was first signed on the 6th of February 1840; it established a British governor in New Zealand. It recognised Māori ownership of their lands and gave Māori the rights of British subjects. It also opened the door to systematic colonisation.

Te Arawa did not sign the Treaty, but agreed to its terms in 1860. Like iwi all over the country they suffered many negative effects from colonisation. In 2009, the Government formally apologised to Te Arawa for past wrongs as part of New Zealand’s largest ever Treaty settlement. It included the return of the land and a multi-million dollar cash injection. With other outstanding claims still in the pipeline, the Te Arawa Treaty settlements will permanently change this region’s economy. Now the iwi faces its greatest challenge – managing its assets for future generations.

Articles of the Treaty of Waitangi:

  • Article 1 grants the Queen of England governorship over New Zealand.
  • Article 2 guarantees Māori leaders their continued rangatiratanga (absolute sovereignty and self-determination) and ownership of their lands and taonga (treasures). It also specifies that Māori will sell land only to the Crown.
  • Article 3 guarantees Māori the same rights as British subjects.


Te Whare o te Mātauranga (Rotorua Library) would like to acknowledge Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa (Rotorua Museum) and the Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa (National Library of New Zealand) for their support. This collective effort will inform our communities of how Te Arawa saw the Treaty in a historic and contemporary context.

Tiriti o Waitangi/ Treaty of Waitangi Resources

The lists of books below are accessible the Māori Collection, this collection is on the second floor. The information covers history and the Waitangi claims process; for assistance please ask a librarian for support.

Always Speaking: the Treaty of Waitangi and public policy – Veronica Tawhai

Healing the Breach: one Māori’s perspective on the Treaty of Waitangi – Tauroa Hiwi

Illustrated History of the Treaty of Waitangi – Claudia Orange

Ngā Tohu o te Tiriti: making a mark – Mīria Simpson

Our Treaty: the Treaty of Waitangi 1840 to the present – Ruth Naumann

Pākeha Change and the Treaty of Waitangi – Ingrid Huygens

Te Ara ki te Tiriti: the path to the Treaty of Waitangi – Paul Moon

The Great Divide: the story of New Zealand & its Treaty – Ian Wishart (eBook only)

The Story of a Treaty – Claudia Orange

The Travesty of Waitangi: towards anarchy – Stuart C Scott

The Treaty/ Te Tiriti – Mere Whaanga

The Treaty and its Times: the illustrated history – Paul Moon & Peter Biggs

The Treaty: every New Zealander’s guide to the Treaty of Waitangi – Marcia Stenson

The Treaty of Waitangi - Marcia Stenson & Tū Williams

The Treaty of Waitangi: a plain meaning interpretation – Richard A Epstein

Treaty of Waitangi companion: Māori & Pākeha from Tasman to today

Treaty of Waitangi: questions and answers

Twisting the Treaty: a tribal grab for wealth and power

Waitangi: Māori & Pākeha perspectives of the Treaty of Waitangi

Waitangi Day: special day series – Kevin Boon

Waitangi Revisited: perspectives on the Treaty of Waitangi

Weeping Waters: the Treaty of Waitangi and constitutional change

Website links:

Archives NZ: www.archives.govt.nz/treaty-waitangi-te-tiriti-...

Te Ara: www.teara.govt.nz/en/treaty-of-waitangi

Treaty Resource Centre: www.trc.org.nz/

Waitangi Tribunal: www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals/waitangi-trib...

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Pathfinder