Study resources

Do you need an NCEA study guide? Or even a book about how to study?
Our non-fiction Teen Shelves on the First Floor are full of useful books just for you!
Also on the first floor of the Library there is an extensive Māori collection and a wide selection of adult nonfiction to assist you. If you are after specialist help with your research inquiry the Heritage and Research team are available to help you find the books or library resources you need. On the second floor is the Don Stafford Room, this space houses our most precious books which maybe especially helpful if you are taking year 12 or 13 history.
If you are looking for online resources such as study materials, NZ history, government, career and study advice, check out our Online Resource Links and Related Links on this page.

Places to study in the Library
There are tables and chairs throughout the three levels of the library for people to study at. Most are sited near power-points to plug in your devices and there is Free WIFI available. If you need a quieter space, head to the 2nd floor which can be a good option. Ask any staff member for assistance if you need to find somewhere that suits.

Internet Connection at Home
Have no broadband at home? Your household may be eligible for SKINNY JUMP - a service to get eligible households online. Get a free modem and internet connection.
Click on the image to read all about it
Online Resources
Access these sites from home or use the free WIFI when you are in the Library.
Te Ara Encyclopedia of NZ
This site is the perfect place to start looking for information about New Zealand. Te Ara covers a broad range of topics from birds to immigration to well-known people.
Topics, events, people and places of New Zealand as well as "Today in history". From Te Tiriti o Waitangi to disasters that have altered and shaped our country.
Digital NZ
Search 30+ million New Zealand items (images, audio, video, stories) across 300+ collections in one place. Digital NZ is easy to use and will help you find information, images and other visual content to enhance your assignments.
Any Questions
Librarians from all around New Zealand are only every weekday (during school terms) to guide you to the answers to your research questions.
Papers Past NZ
Browse through articles and advertisements in NZ newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries.